Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

asam urat

Name: Yusep Kontinius, SH
Age: 36 Year

In 1996, I make a Medical Check-up in the hospital. MMC Jakarta, the results of a laboratory that is surprising me is kadar trigliseride 468mg/dl (normal dibawah150mg/dl) and uric acid value 9.0 mg / dl (normal 3-6mg/dl).

In early 1997 I fell ill the very sick, dibarengi swelling at the base of the left thumb until I can not road, after the doctor examined me diagnosanya exposed to one type of disease called rheumatism GAUT and then treated with the following break for 1 sunday and then I walk you are welcome. Incident repeatedly difference in 3-6 months once the condition of the "easy stubborn illness" (the last incident, 10 days after drinking the medicine, new roads can be), this continues to leave the doctor who handles my.

In July 2001, the pain recurred as above again. But this time I consume Antilipemic Tea and the day-to-four I was already able to run again, thanks the Lord, to the pain that does not attack again, hopefully forever.

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